  1. 3. Ghost-infested abode
  2. 4. Loss and specters
  3. 7. Solo survival thriller
  4. 9. Nightfall brings terror
  5. 10. Protective instincts gone awry
  6. 12. Perilous journey fright
  7. 13. Apartment horror mystery
  8. 14. Endure the night
  9. 18. Global outbreak film
  10. 20. Invisible threat looms
  11. 23. Sleep-induced terror
  12. 24. Dusk till doom
  13. 25. Persistent follower fright
  1. 1. Locked-in virus horror
  2. 2. Fear of the outsider
  3. 5. Disappearance dread
  4. 6. Walking dead arise
  5. 8. Haunting repetitive sounds
  6. 11. Returning ghost thriller
  7. 15. World flipped horror
  8. 16. Empty space menace
  9. 17. Forewarning of doom
  10. 19. First year fears magnified
  11. 21. Inescapable danger thriller
  12. 22. Gateway to horror