2-3 Scientific Method & Statistics

  1. 5. Variables must be ____
  2. 10. Uses surveys, field research, and secondary analysis
  3. 11. Statistics used to make inferences about a larger group
  4. 12. The mode is the value that appears most ___
  5. 14. The normal curve is also called the ___ curve
  6. 15. A ___ curve has a mean, mode, & median that are equal
  7. 16. Testable statement of relationship between variables
  8. 17. ___ distribution tells how often a value appears in a sample
  9. 20. The ___ group is NOT exposed to the independent variable
  10. 22. Measures of ___ describe the mean, mode, and median
  11. 24. Scientific Method results have no ____
  12. 25. Step two of the scientific method
  13. 27. Participant changes because of belief, not treatment
  14. 28. Scientific Method starts with this
  1. 1. Statistics that describe a sample of people
  2. 2. Self-fulfilling prophecy means researcher influences ____
  3. 3. The ___ group is exposed to the independent variable
  4. 4. The mean is the ___ of all values
  5. 6. Variables move in the same direction with this correlation
  6. 7. How do we place subjects into the two groups?
  7. 8. Normal curve has a ___ that occurs naturally
  8. 9. Scientific Method produces results that are ____
  9. 13. This type of research uses the scientific method
  10. 18. Researcher & participant don’t know who gets treatment
  11. 19. Produces the most accurate research results
  12. 21. Opposed to politics & money, scientific method pursues ____
  13. 23. The median is the ___ of the frequency distribution
  14. 26. Standard ___ is how far data deviates from the mean