2-3 Vokabeln

  1. 4. Wie _____ du Mathematik? (How do you find Math?)
  2. 7. boring
  3. 9. believes
  4. 11. class
  5. 13. means, thinks
  6. 14. gladly / likes (activities)
  7. 16. likes (people, places or things)
  8. 18. hates
  9. 20. _____ sitzen (gets held back)
  10. 22. _____ die Prüfung (passes the test)
  11. 23. finds, thinks
  12. 24. What
  13. 25. test / exam
  14. 26. _____ eine Pause (takes a break)
  15. 27. ______ die Prüfung (takes the test)
  16. 28. thinks
  1. 1. Ich ______ (find / think)
  2. 2. report card
  3. 3. _____ durch (fails)
  4. 5. Was ______ du von Geschichte? (What do you think about History?)
  5. 6. break, recess
  6. 8. reads
  7. 10. _____ das Zeugnis (gets the report card)
  8. 12. loves
  9. 15. after
  10. 17. high school
  11. 19. high school graduation exam
  12. 21. interesting
  13. 24. during