2 Corinthians Review

  1. 2. the _______ of Christ constraineth me
  2. 5. an eternal ___________ of glory
  3. 6. our inward man is _______________ day by day
  4. 8. we have this __________ in earthen vessels
  5. 11. we walk by ___________, not by sight
  6. 13. Moses put a ___________ over his face
  7. 16. we must all appear before the ________ seat
  8. 17. If any man be in Christ, he is a new _________
  9. 18. Who always causeth us to ___________ in Christ
  1. 1. the god of this world hath __________ the minds
  2. 3. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is ________
  3. 4. the God of all ________________
  4. 7. ye are our _________, written on our hearts
  5. 9. __________ from the body, present with the Lord
  6. 10. wrote 2 Corinthians
  7. 12. He hath given us the __________ of His Spirit
  8. 14. We are not ___________ of his devices
  9. 15. Paul wrote to ___________ his apostleship