2 Nensei Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. We use computers to work and to ____.
  2. 6. special days
  3. 9. "wasureru" in English
  4. 10. you have 5 of these
  5. 11. NOT dangerous
  6. 12. December, January, February season
  7. 15. change from Japanese to English
  8. 17. NOT big
  9. 18. not tomorrow, not yesterday
  10. 19. "fried noodles" in Japanese
  11. 21. English, Japanese,...
  12. 22. say "I'm sorry"
  1. 1. popular Japanese food
  2. 2. "itarutokoroni" in English
  3. 3. Asami went here for golden week
  4. 5. Asami likes this kind of movie
  5. 7. a yellow fruit
  6. 8. Hint: Jurassic Park
  7. 10. not slow
  8. 13. "arigato" in English
  9. 14. You are here now
  10. 16. popular American food
  11. 20. not near/close
  12. 22. outside of Japan