수일치와 2형식 (S-V Agreement and SVC)

  1. 2. Nice weather, as well as kind words, (make/makes) me smile.
  2. 4. __________ candies and chocolates are sweet.
  3. 5. 다음 중 감각동사가 아닌 것은? Watch, smell, sound, taste, feel
  4. 6. Cats are (cute/cutely)
  5. 8. 2형식 문장은 SVC 입니다. S는 subject, V는 verb, C는 ______.
  6. 12. You can have either grape juice _____ orange juice.
  7. 13. Our family (is/are) going to the park this afternoon
  8. 14. (Diabete/Diabetes) is a common disease.
  9. 16. Each country (has/have) its own culture.
  1. 1. ____________ my friend nor I like ice cream.
  2. 3. (주격)보어 자리에 들어갈 수 있는 것 : ________ and adjective
  3. 4. I ___________ a middle school student. (나는 중학생이 되었다)
  4. 7. Our family ate not only chicken but _________ pizza.
  5. 9. Ten (mile/miles) is too far to walk.
  6. 10. 2/3, two _________
  7. 11. a number of (힌트: 많은)
  8. 15. Do you know (a/ the) number of books in this library?