2 Samuel Review, chapters 20,21, 24 Joshua 9

  1. 2. The Gibeonites said "As for the man who destroyed us and plotted against us so that we have been __________ and have no place anywhere in Israel (21)
  2. 4. The Gibeonites were actually the __________ of Israel! (Joshua 9)
  3. 8. This daughter in the house of Saul lost 5 sons(21)
  4. 9. David saw this striking down the people and repented to the Lord (24)
  5. 10. In total, Rapha lost this many descendants (21)
  6. 11. The name of the town Sheba hid at, you could "get your answer" there (20)
  7. 15. This king tried to wipe out the Gibeonites in his zeal for Israel(21)
  8. 17. David built this at the threshing floor he had bought
  9. 19. The Lord ________ David against Israel (24)
  10. 23. At the end of 2 Sam 21, we hear of more wars with the... (21)
  11. 25. The Gibeonites even got dry and moldy ______ to trick Joshua and make them think they were from far away (Joshua 9)
  12. 26. This man rebelled against David, saying "every man to his tent in Israel." (20)
  13. 27. The Gibeonites said they were actually from the east of the River ________, rather than from Canaan (Joshua 9)
  14. 29. An unnamed _______ killed Sheba and threw his head over the wall to Joab (20)
  15. 30. After Joshua and the Israelites learnt of the Gibeonite lies they made them water-carriers and ____________ for the temple (Joshua 9)
  16. 32. David had this man summon his soldiers to fight against Sheba (20)
  17. 33. God through the see Gad offered this as one of the punishments to David (24)
  18. 34. David decided to ______ the fighting men of Israel, which means to number them or take a census (24)
  19. 36. The Gibeonites demanded _____ men from the house of Saul to be killed (21)
  20. 39. The people of this town would trick Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 9)
  21. 40. Sheba was of this tribe (20)
  22. 41. He was Joab's brother and commanded by David to pursue Sheba with his mighty men (20)
  23. 44. The Gibeonites used old _________ to trick Joshua and make them think they were from far away (Joshua 9)
  24. 45. This was the name of David's seer at the end of 2 Samuel (24)
  1. 1. We hear after the death of the men in Saul's house how the Lord answers ________ in behalf of the land (21)
  2. 3. This man killed the brother of Goliath, who was also a very large man like his brother (21)
  3. 5. David says that his census of the fighting men was _________ (24)
  4. 6. David would not allow this man, the son of Jonathan, to be killed (21)
  5. 7. We hear at the start of 2 Sam 24, that the Lord's ______ burned against Israel (24)
  6. 9. We hear in 2 Samuel 21 that the Gibeonites were part of the _________, a Canaanite peoples (21)
  7. 12. Joshua failed to consult the _____ in all of this, hence why the Lord allows it (Joshua 9)
  8. 13. HE used to be commander of the army and murdered Amasa who took his job (20)
  9. 14. Abishai and David's other mighty men no longer go into _________ after he is almost lost (21)
  10. 16. This was the king over Israel after Saul died in 1 Samuel
  11. 18. This daughter in the house of Saul lost 2 sons (21)
  12. 20. Joab told David his census was a bad idea and the ___________ of the army sided with Joab, but David wouldn't listen (24)
  13. 21. The Gibeonites wore old _______ to trick Joshua and make them think they were from far away (Joshua 9)
  14. 22. The last of the punishments offered up by Gad which would be the shortest lasting and the one David picked(24)
  15. 24. The Gibeonites had worn and patched _______ to trick Joshua and make them think they were from far away (Joshua 9)
  16. 26. We hear of this man with a cool name first killing one of the descendants of Rapha (21)
  17. 28. David had at least 10 of these who he would not sleep with after his son Absalom defiled them (20)
  18. 31. In total this many thousands died from the plague (24)
  19. 33. This was the second choice given by Gad focused on wars with David's enemies (24)
  20. 35. The Israelites made a _______ with the Gibeonites thinking they weren't from Canaan (Joshua 9)
  21. 37. This was the murder weapon used to by Joab to kill Amasa (20)
  22. 38. David paid the man this many shekels for his threshing floor where the Lord stopped the plague
  23. 42. After Joab comes back David realised he had ________ (24)
  24. 43. The Angel of the Lord brought the plague on Israel up until the threshing floor of _________ the Jebusite (24)