20 Crosswords

  1. 2. - What term describes something that has no end or is limitless?
  2. 6. - What term describes the direct opposite of something?
  3. 7. - What is the name of the goddess of revenge in Greek mythology?
  4. 9. - In Greek mythology, what creature had wings and could fly?
  5. 11. - What term describes a confusing or difficult problem?
  6. 13. - What term describes a person who is fanatically devoted to a cause?
  7. 17. - What term describes a happy accident or pleasant surprise?
  8. 18. - What is a term used to describe a person who thinks independently?
  9. 19. - What term describes the highest point or peak?
  10. 20. - What term describes a person or thing that is considered to be a perfect example of something?
  1. 1. - What is the name of the cloud that is associated with rain?
  2. 3. - What term describes an event in which the moon passes between the earth and the sun?
  3. 4. - In Greek mythology, what bird is said to be reborn from its own ashes?
  4. 5. - What term describes a fertile area in a desert where water is found?
  5. 8. - What term describes a feeling of sadness or depression?
  6. 10. - What is another name for the element mercury?
  7. 12. - In Greek mythology, what creature was made up of parts of different animals?
  8. 14. - What term describes a feeling of intense happiness or excitement?
  9. 15. - What is the surname of the protagonist in the novel “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”?
  10. 16. - What is the name of the epic poem by Homer that tells the story of the journey of Odysseus?