20-Drive-In Movies

  1. 1. NIGHT (Promotion for discounted group tickets)
  2. 4. (Convenient holder for food and drinks)
  3. 6. (Viewing experience from within the vehicle)
  4. 8. (Container for movie footage)
  5. 9. (Open-air movie theater)
  6. 10. (Outdoor movie projection surface)
  7. 12. (Entrance to the drive-in theater)
  8. 14. (Describing the nostalgic drive-in movie experience)
  1. 2. (Break between movie showings)
  2. 3. (Food and drinks sold at the drive-in)
  3. 5. (Popular activity for couples at drive-ins)
  4. 7. FEATURE (Two movies shown back-to-back)
  5. 10. (Audio devices attached to car windows)
  6. 11. (Waitress serving in parked cars)
  7. 13. LOT (Area for cars to park and watch movies)