- 2. - What vegetable is traditionally carved into Jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween?
- 3. - What fictional character is often associated with broomsticks and cauldrons on Halloween?
- 4. - What spooky location is often depicted with tombstones and fog on Halloween?
- 5. - What supernatural being is said to haunt homes and graveyards on Halloween?
- 8. - What undead creature is often associated with Halloween and horror movies?
- 9. - What preserved corpse is often associated with ancient Egypt and Halloween?
- 10. - What creepy-crawly arachnid is often used as a decoration for Halloween?
- 12. - What carved pumpkin is often used as a decoration for Halloween?
- 14. cat - What feline is often considered a bad omen and is associated with Halloween?
- 15. - What cooking pot is often associated with witches on Halloween?
- 16. - What mythical creature is known for transforming into a wolf under the full moon on Halloween?
- 17. - What do people often wear on Halloween to dress up as their favorite characters or creatures?
- 19. - What word is often used to describe houses and buildings that are believed to be haunted on Halloween?
- 1. - What is the traditional activity where children go from house to house on Halloween asking for candy?
- 6. - What bony structure of the human body is often used as a Halloween decoration?
- 7. - What mythical creature is known for drinking blood and transforming into a bat on Halloween?
- 11. - What stuffed figure is often used to scare birds away from crops and is also a popular Halloween decoration?
- 13. - What fictional character is often associated with bolts in his neck and a green complexion on Halloween?
- 17. - What sweet treats are often handed out to children on Halloween?
- 18. - What flying mammals are often associated with Halloween and vampires?