20 periodic table cross word puzzle

  1. 2. It constitutes about 0.001 percent by weight
  2. 4. Trees
  3. 6. It is used for fuel
  4. 7. helps maintain the balance of water in and Around your cells
  5. 9. used in black gunpowder, matches, and fireworks
  6. 11. Earth's crust
  7. 13. teeth
  8. 14. used for tin
  9. 17. highly toxic
  10. 18. Unlucky number
  11. 19. used in explosives
  12. 21. makes your voice go funny
  1. 1. number one
  2. 3. Banana
  3. 5. 33 - 21 =? ? x 6 =? ?- 57 =?
  4. 8. is the third-most abundant gas in the Earth's Atmosphere lets us breath
  5. 10. Very light metal
  6. 12. Helps us stay strong and healthy
  7. 15. Hurts the eyes
  8. 16. Be
  9. 20. glow stick