- 2. Claps and claps, but the neighbors do not hear.
- 4. The letter C becomes O, O becomes C.
- 7. A small hill having seven holes.
- 9. What goes up, but never comes down?
- 10. Five coconut palms; one is higher.
- 11. When this animal sits down, he is high; if he stands up, he is low
- 12. You carry it; it carries you.
- 13. What is the longest word in the English language?
- 16. If the red house is on the left and the blue house is on the right, where is the white house?
- 17. I saw two boats; only one person was on board.
- 1. There is a little thing like a piece of crayon, but it can guard a lady like a lion.
- 3. I cannot see although my eyes are wide open; if I cover, I can see.
- 5. What thing that God made sleeps with its head down?
- 6. This animal is ever eating garbage and waste.
- 7. Where are kings usually crowned?
- 8. I am looking at it, and it looks at me; if I laugh, it laughs.
- 12. What is the best spice?
- 14. I open my two boxes noiselessly.
- 15. My uncle has a sister but she is not my aunt. Who is she?