  1. 2. Claps and claps, but the neighbors do not hear.
  2. 4. The letter C becomes O, O becomes C.
  3. 7. A small hill having seven holes.
  4. 9. What goes up, but never comes down?
  5. 10. Five coconut palms; one is higher.
  6. 11. When this animal sits down, he is high; if he stands up, he is low
  7. 12. You carry it; it carries you.
  8. 13. What is the longest word in the English language?
  9. 16. If the red house is on the left and the blue house is on the right, where is the white house?
  10. 17. I saw two boats; only one person was on board.
  1. 1. There is a little thing like a piece of crayon, but it can guard a lady like a lion.
  2. 3. I cannot see although my eyes are wide open; if I cover, I can see.
  3. 5. What thing that God made sleeps with its head down?
  4. 6. This animal is ever eating garbage and waste.
  5. 7. Where are kings usually crowned?
  6. 8. I am looking at it, and it looks at me; if I laugh, it laughs.
  7. 12. What is the best spice?
  8. 14. I open my two boxes noiselessly.
  9. 15. My uncle has a sister but she is not my aunt. Who is she?