20 terms brayden

  1. 5. the whole face
  2. 7. camera is Turing on tripod
  3. 8. internal angel
  4. 10. focus on a part of the face
  5. 12. filming over shoulder
  6. 15. full body frame
  7. 17. extreme long shot at start of scene
  8. 18. following a subject
  9. 19. looking up at a subject
  10. 20. caméra daced on the ground
  1. 1. shot is diagonal
  2. 2. has symbolic meaning
  3. 3. looking down on a subject
  4. 4. vertical on tripod
  5. 6. hi shot using drone
  6. 9. focus on background
  7. 11. very hugh camera
  8. 13. knees up
  9. 14. half way to the chest
  10. 16. eventually see the whole setting