2015 Laboratory Week

  1. 4. Used to thaw FFP
  2. 7. Mineral found in bananas
  3. 8. "Buggy" department
  4. 10. The reason we are all work here
  5. 11. department where PT/PTTs are performed
  6. 12. Measles
  7. 14. cleaning solution used in lab
  8. 15. Vitek, Cobas, Sysmex....
  9. 19. Rescue Alarm Contain Extinguish/Evacuate
  10. 21. another word for drawing blood
  11. 23. Department where ABOs are performed
  12. 26. Respiratory _______ Virus
  13. 28. Department where cholesterol is performed
  14. 30. Used to spin down specimens
  15. 32. Thrombocytes
  16. 33. Our HIS
  17. 35. They sometimes hide from phlebotomists
  18. 36. Blue Bell recall
  1. 1. Our LIS
  2. 2. curved, helical shaped, non spore forming Gram Neg
  3. 3. Infant Abduction
  4. 5. stain used to identify bacteria
  5. 6. Nonreactive
  6. 9. Device used in differentials
  7. 13. chemistry control vendor
  8. 16. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  9. 17. department where CBCs are performed
  10. 18. Has wings
  11. 20. container used for needles
  12. 22. Used to slow blood flow when drawing blood
  13. 24. Security Violence/hostage
  14. 25. HgbA1c ________ hemoglobin
  15. 27. Device to perform bedside glucose testing
  16. 29. what we test
  17. 31. sterilizes a site... or makes for a fun weekend
  18. 32. Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep
  19. 34. Uniform
  20. 37. time in/out program