- 4. Used to thaw FFP
- 7. Mineral found in bananas
- 8. "Buggy" department
- 10. The reason we are all work here
- 11. department where PT/PTTs are performed
- 12. Measles
- 14. cleaning solution used in lab
- 15. Vitek, Cobas, Sysmex....
- 19. Rescue Alarm Contain Extinguish/Evacuate
- 21. another word for drawing blood
- 23. Department where ABOs are performed
- 26. Respiratory _______ Virus
- 28. Department where cholesterol is performed
- 30. Used to spin down specimens
- 32. Thrombocytes
- 33. Our HIS
- 35. They sometimes hide from phlebotomists
- 36. Blue Bell recall
- 1. Our LIS
- 2. curved, helical shaped, non spore forming Gram Neg
- 3. Infant Abduction
- 5. stain used to identify bacteria
- 6. Nonreactive
- 9. Device used in differentials
- 13. chemistry control vendor
- 16. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- 17. department where CBCs are performed
- 18. Has wings
- 20. container used for needles
- 22. Used to slow blood flow when drawing blood
- 24. Security Violence/hostage
- 25. HgbA1c ________ hemoglobin
- 27. Device to perform bedside glucose testing
- 29. what we test
- 31. sterilizes a site... or makes for a fun weekend
- 32. Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep
- 34. Uniform
- 37. time in/out program