2016 New Year Crossword

  1. 3. To walk through water
  2. 5. Woolly Specimen
  3. 9. Music Maker
  4. 10. Multiple Deliverer
  5. 13. 3 back 2 forward
  6. 14. In Abundance
  7. 15. Saint
  8. 21. Kitchen Chaos
  9. 23. Tremor
  10. 24. Profound Emotion
  11. 26. Unisex Name
  12. 27. Easy to carry food
  13. 28. Refreshments
  14. 29. Run Holder
  15. 35. Places of Worship
  16. 36. British Army General
  17. 38. Pearl Birthstone
  18. 39. Not Sexy
  19. 40. Paul's 1st Wife
  20. 41. Precedes cold front
  21. 43. High Roller
  22. 45. Butcher's Hand
  23. 46. First Light
  24. 47. Trick Game
  25. 49. A long drop
  1. 1. Sounds like American Singer Songwriter
  2. 2. Calluna Vulgaris
  3. 4. Delicacy
  4. 6. Socialising Activity
  5. 7. Sport played by 2 Teams
  6. 8. Public Bar Leaner
  7. 11. Sweet Food
  8. 12. An odd Protrusion
  9. 15. Popular Surfing Spot
  10. 16. Passerine Bird
  11. 17. Tip
  12. 18. Small Town
  13. 19. Old Estate
  14. 20. Ecological Stinger
  15. 22. Spasmodic Sound
  16. 25. Most Prolific
  17. 30. Small Cake
  18. 31. Part of Year
  19. 32. Historical Graves
  20. 33. Ranking Officer
  21. 34. Manager of Nurses
  22. 35. Common Ancestors
  23. 36. Stainless Steel Container
  24. 37. Wee
  25. 42. Surprise
  26. 44. Wealthy
  27. 48. An Ancient Unit of Weight