2016 Olympics

  1. 4. A track and field sport
  2. 8. Requires a black and white ball
  3. 9. The people that compete
  4. 10. Bar, Beam and Floor
  5. 12. Run, Swim, ride
  6. 14. Where the Olympics started
  7. 16. This sport requires water
  1. 1. What you win
  2. 2. You have to hit the target
  3. 3. Host of the 2016 Olympics
  4. 5. The Olympics are made up of these
  5. 6. You will need a Racquet and ball
  6. 7. The places that compete against each other
  7. 11. Carried around the world
  8. 13. People working together
  9. 15. Olympic symbol