  1. 2. Evil bee.
  2. 4. Hit.
  3. 5. What actors read from.
  4. 6. Brothers and sisters.
  5. 8. If you ride the trains without a ticket, you might get a ________.
  6. 9. To decide the order of importance.
  7. 12. Quit.
  8. 15. Older than a teenager.
  9. 17. "I wouldn't call her my friend... She's an ________."
  10. 18. To be allowed to do something; to have ________.
  11. 19. 'I saw a light at the end of the ________.'
  1. 1. Equal or balanced.
  2. 3. A ________ winter.
  3. 4. When all workers refuse to work.
  4. 5. To make a long story short.
  5. 7. Someone you have never met.
  6. 10. "I can't make it to the meeting. We will have to ________."
  7. 11. What you put a letter into.
  8. 13. Someone who lives above you lives ________.
  9. 14. A short test.
  10. 16. Google is a search ________.