
  1. 1. Equation of the form Mdx+Ndy=0.
  2. 6. An equation of the form y=px+f(p).
  3. 9. The……of a differential equations is the order of the highest derivative appearing in it.
  4. 10. functions of same degree in x and y.
  5. 11. reducible to the Leibnitz linear equation
  6. 12. e to the power integration p dx.
  7. 13. Formulation of differential equation from the given physical situation.
  8. 14. There are two or more independent variables and partial diff coe w.r.t. any of them.
  9. 15. Symbolic coefficient equated to zero.
  1. 2. y= C.F. +P.I.
  2. 3. IF the dependent variable and its differential coefficient occur only in the first degree
  3. 4. Involves differential coefficients.
  4. 5. The …of a differential equation is the degree of the highest derivative occurring in it.
  5. 7. All the differential coefficients have reference to a single independent variable.
  6. 8. Evaluating the arbitrary constants from the given conditions.