2018 Nephrology World Cup (Difficulty Level ★☆☆☆☆)

  1. 4. The top players at the end of the Nephrology World Cup will win some pretty awesome _____
  2. 6. Number of points you win for correctly predicting the Nephrology World Cup champion
  3. 8. Use the Nephrology World Cu ___ to help you keep track of your selections
  4. 9. Number of times you will be asked to vote for your favorite/preferred scholarly work
  5. 10. The number of competitors that you must correctly predict in order to win BIG points
  6. 12. Each scouting report will contain a succinct article summary, ____, or both
  7. 13. The main software/account that you need to successfully participate in the Nephrology World Cup
  1. 1. The journals and articles competing in the Nephrology World Cup are relatively unknown, but represent a hidden ___ of scintillating science
  2. 2. The Nephrology World Cup is an opportunity to showcase the richness and ____ of nephrology scholarship that occurs around the world.
  3. 3. Among many unique features of the Nephrology World Cup, a player with low point total can still win prizes by the number of ___ they make
  4. 5. Successfully recruit your colleagues to play the Nephrology World Cup using this
  5. 7. Your ____ determine which competitors succeed in Group Play (Groups A-H) and advance to the four (4) Knockout Rounds
  6. 10. Number of points you win for correctly predicting the Round of Eight (8) winners
  7. 11. Number of points you win for correctly predicting a Group winner