2018 Winter Olympics

  1. 4. People use rocks in this sport.
  2. 5. The 2014 Winter Olympics were in this country.
  3. 9. People ski and snowboard down a ______.
  4. 10. Winners recieve a _____ medal.
  5. 12. The Winter Olympics were in this city.
  6. 14. People use a gun in this sport.
  1. 1. The best sport in the winter olympics.
  2. 2. Third place recieves a _____ medal.
  3. 3. This sport is like dancing on ice.
  4. 6. People go down hills very fast in this sport.
  5. 7. The 2018 Winter Olympics were in this country.
  6. 8. Japan won _____ gold medals.
  7. 11. The 2020 Summer Olypmics will be in this country.
  8. 13. This country won the third most medals.
  9. 15. This country won the most medals.