  1. 1. Found or lives near water OR relates to water
  2. 5. What scuba divers use to breathe
  3. 7. A common but invisible element
  4. 8. Latin for water
  5. 10. March's birthstone
  6. 13. Doing work at sea
  7. 16. Person who works with aquatic creatures
  8. 17. Person who assists in the navigation of a ship
  9. 18. Relating to aquatic things
  10. 19. Latin for sea
  1. 1. A scuba diver is also known as a...
  2. 2. Layer of rocks that act like a sponge
  3. 3. To infuse flavor to the meat
  4. 4. People with rabies are afraid of...
  5. 6. Greek for water
  6. 9. Water power!
  7. 11. Not a bridge OVER water but...
  8. 12. To re-moistify
  9. 14. Where ya can see fishys!
  10. 15. Firefighters use this for water
  11. 17. Where boats spend the night
  12. 18. Land that has grass and plants