Avian Systems

  1. 4. Poultry waste is comprised of urine & _____.
  2. 7. This is found in the red blood cells of birds, not mammals.
  3. 8. These are the functional units of the kidney.
  4. 11. This is the name for the top portion of the beak.
  5. 16. The excretory system regulates the acid-____ balance in the body.
  6. 18. This is the plural form of vertebra.
  7. 21. This type of bone is a source of calcium for laying hens.
  8. 22. Pneumatic bones are connect to the bird’s _____ respiratory system.
  9. 23. The action of the organs, intestines and glands are run by this part of the nervous system.
  10. 24. The hen mobilizes 8-10 % of her bone _____ to make the eggshell.
  11. 26. What color is uric acid?
  12. 28. _____ acid is the major end product of protein utilization.
  13. 29. The circulatory system also aids in body ____ regulation.
  14. 30. The function of this system is to transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, metabolites, hormones and nutrients throughout the body.
  15. 32. My system’s function is to excrete water & metabolic waste
  16. 35. The breast, thigh, and leg are the most _____ skeletal muscles on the poultry carcass.
  1. 1. The vertebrae of the body are ____ together to give the body sufficient strength to support the wings.
  2. 2. What is another name for the keel in a bird?
  3. 3. The red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) are formed here in the body.
  4. 5. How many types of muscle are in a bird’s body?
  5. 6. _____ are responsible for movement of the body.
  6. 9. This is the name for the tailbone in a bird.
  7. 10. This bone is considered to be a pneumatic bone along with the skull and clavicle.
  8. 12. This is the primary function of the nervous system.
  9. 13. These bones are hollow.
  10. 14. This is the specialized muscle of the heart.
  11. 15. The body temperature of the average chicken is 106 degrees _____.
  12. 17. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for of _____ actions of the body.
  13. 19. This type of muscle is controlled by the ANS.
  14. 20. This bone is a medullary bone along with the tibia and ulna.
  15. 23. The primary component of poultry waste is uric _____.
  16. 24. Muscle is the principle _____ organ of the body.
  17. 25. The _____ nervous system is responsible for voluntary actions of the body, like walking or jumping.
  18. 27. This is the main organ of the excretory system.
  19. 29. How many main parts of the nervous system are there?
  20. 31. Skeletal muscle is responsible for the shape of the bird and _____ movement.
  21. 33. This system is responsible for support, calcium transport, and respiration.
  22. 34. 4 chambers, and I can keep a beat!