- 2. you use this to move the click
- 3. is small storage device shaped like a pen with built-in data storage that connects to a computer by a USB port.
- 7. is system software that manages computer hardware
- 10. It is a small digital camera connected to a computer which can capture images and transmit them over the Internet
- 13. is an external hardware output device that takes the electronic data stored on a computer or other device and generates a hard copy of it.
- 14. is much slower than RAM, however it has much more capacity.
- 15. is a repository
- 17. are used to draw cooler air into the case from the outside
- 18. converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a computer.
- 19. used to display the output of a computer to the user.
- 20. Read Only Memory
- 21. is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols into a computer.
- 22. is an output hardware device that connects to a computer to generate sound.
- 1. that sends the video signal to our monitor or TV.
- 2. is one of the essential parts for a computer.
- 4. It is the second fastest computer memory.
- 5. read all these DVD, CD or BluRay discs.
- 6. is a magnetic storage medium for computer systems
- 8. is a metal chassis that holds all of the computer's components.
- 9. 99% of the devices are connected there.
- 11. it is a peripheral that is used to "copy", through the use of light
- 12. is a device that captures audio by converting sound waves into an electrical signal.
- 16. is a type of mouse