  1. 1. a long flowing dress for formal occasions
  2. 4. opposite of a lie
  3. 6. when daytime is over
  4. 7. feel refreshed after winter _____
  5. 13. small buzzing insect that makes honey
  6. 14. eat this at the movie theater
  7. 15. salt and ______
  8. 17. a contest of beauty and talent
  9. 20. a really good male friend
  10. 21. throw out the old and bring in the new
  11. 23. transfer to another person in exchange for cash
  12. 24. a part in the _____ is the most exciting thing right now
  13. 28. a great gift giver
  14. 29. the years between 12 and 20
  15. 31. the most amazing boy
  16. 32. it goes on top of your head
  17. 33. the most useful Christmas gift
  18. 35. birds usually fly in the ____
  19. 36. a stick that older people might walk with
  1. 2. a refreshing drink with zero calories and free
  2. 3. $500 in the trash
  3. 5. plants are not dead they are
  4. 8. Hunter is my steady boyfriend for ____months
  5. 9. a nice gift for valentines day
  6. 10. a big furry animal with well coordinated fingers
  7. 11. color of a dandilion
  8. 12. a movie with cowboys and indians
  9. 13. to wear around my wrist
  10. 16. a place to go and get food to eat now
  11. 17. a river that runs near us
  12. 18. a large african animal with tough grey skin
  13. 19. when two people try to get there first
  14. 22. use this to stay dry in the rain
  15. 25. a word that goes between Hunter and Skylar
  16. 26. past tense of run
  17. 27. great for hauling bales of hay
  18. 30. if you have less than one you have
  19. 34. after school I sometimes have ______ practice