2.01_PM17 Vocab Crossword

  1. 4. The particular assortment of goods and services that a business offers in order to meet the needs of its market(s) and its company goals
  2. 6. An early sample or model of a product
  3. 12. The product life cycle stage in which sales and profits fall rapidly
  4. 16. The product life cycle stage in which sales rise rapidly
  5. 19. All the combined customer impressions and experiences associated with a particular company
  6. 20. A product mix strategy in which a business creates a certain image or impression of a product in the minds of consumers
  7. 21. Reviewing in order to make a decision as to what should be kept and what should be discarded
  8. 22. The point at which a product goes into full-scale production, the marketing plan is put into place, service and sales training are done, and the product’s life cycle begins
  9. 26. Goods or services that are currently being sold
  10. 28. An advantage consumers receive from using a product
  11. 30. The stages through which goods and services move from the time they are introduced on the market until they are taken off the market
  12. 31. Services that are offered with a product such as maintenance, delivery, or repair
  13. 32. Exploring the concept, or idea, for a product in order to obtain feedback
  1. 1. The removal of a weak product from the market and from the company’s product mix; also known as product discontinuation
  2. 2. Services provided to consumers without the involvement of any tangible product
  3. 3. The process of introducing a new product to a limited market to determine what its acceptance will be
  4. 5. Plan of action for achieving marketing goals and objectives
  5. 7. The systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about a specific issue, situation, or concern that affects a market
  6. 8. The stage in the creation of a new product in which a working model may be tested, modified, and retested; production costs are estimated and final details of the product are planned (e.g., label, promotion, and distribution)
  7. 9. A good or service that has not been offered before, has been modified in some way, or is being presented or distributed in a different manner
  8. 10. The process of thinking up or creating new plans, schemes, thoughts; used in creating new products and modifying existing products
  9. 11. Examining such factors as demand, costs, competition, capital investment required, and potential profit of a product or service to determine how it will fit into the company’s product mix
  10. 13. A marketing function that involves obtaining, developing, maintaining, and improving a product or service mix in response to market opportunities
  11. 14. The product life cycle stage when the product first appears in the marketplace
  12. 15. To use a creative-thinking technique involving the identification of as many different ideas as possible during a certain time frame; can be done by one person but is used most often in a group setting
  13. 17. Intangible activities that are performed by other people for money; productive acts that satisfy economic wants
  14. 18. A business structure that requires the authorization or permission from an owner to another entity to use trademarked, copyrighted (e.g., logo, name), or patented material for a specific activity, during a specific time period, for the profit of both parties
  15. 23. The particular group of customers a business seeks to attract
  16. 24. Marketing element referring to what goods, services, or ideas a business will offer its customers
  17. 25. The product life cycle stage in which sales peak and then increase at a slower rate or start to decline
  18. 27. Tangible objects that can be manufactured or produced for resale
  19. 29. A combination of goods and/or services grouped together and offered as one product