Elyse and Lori’s Crossword of Love

  1. 3. Street where we had our first kiss
  2. 4. Hottest Disney Princess according to me
  3. 6. First name of your fave director
  4. 8. One of the items offered to sober John Mulaney
  5. 10. Job you’re going to have some day
  6. 11. “___ Actually” the cocktail
  7. 14. Hottest Disney Princess according to you
  8. 15. Game we’re really really good at
  1. 1. ___ Khan and the BBQ Show
  2. 2. Bar where we had our first date
  3. 5. Mungojerrie and ____
  4. 7. Movie that shouldn’t be on Disney +
  5. 9. Disney Channel movie we watched on NYE
  6. 11. Zac Efron wants to do you on this drug
  7. 12. ____ Brother we can’t believe Zooey is dating
  8. 13. First name of your least favorite director