
  1. 2. Don’t get Bear _____ in your face
  2. 3. the nose of a bear is called a ________
  3. 6. longer nose and smaller. ____ bear.
  4. 8. put food in a campsite bear _____
  5. 10. bears eat these off bushes. look at their poo.
  6. 11. With a black bear, don’t run or play dead; ______
  7. 16. when bears rests for the winter, they ________
  8. 17. a _____ bear is a dead bear
  1. 1. bears love to forage in this human waste
  2. 2. bear poo is also know as ________
  3. 4. make this with bells or your voice when hiking
  4. 5. sharp nails on the paws are called
  5. 7. go up with a grizzly. ______ a Tree.
  6. 9. bears love to eat these sea chickens
  7. 12. rounder shorter face and bigger. A ________
  8. 13. black bears can climb these extremely well
  9. 14. where a bear tucks away for the winter
  10. 15. play this when a grizzly attacks