  1. 1. rural transportation agency
  2. 6. short name for coronavirus
  3. 7. recommended days to self-quarantine
  4. 8. government payment
  5. 11. Organization which leads partners in global health response
  6. 12. administers artificial respiration
  7. 13. equipment used to load limited mobility client
  8. 14. common medical symptom
  9. 15. disease covering a wide geographic area
  10. 17. amount of seconds recommended to wash hands
  11. 19. disease declared a pandemic in 2020
  12. 20. item worn to protect against air droplets from a cough or sneeze
  1. 2. state with most COVID19 cases
  2. 3. social distance spacing recommendation
  3. 4. person who directs drivers for client pickup
  4. 5. a period of isolation
  5. 6. Country where coronavirus discovered
  6. 9. US city where first case of COVID-19 reported
  7. 10. location used to schedule ride
  8. 16. elected head of a US state
  9. 18. celebrity with COVID 19 and friend of Wilson