
  1. 3. paying for your home but not owning it
  2. 6. highly creative thinking
  3. 7. popular late spring vegetable
  4. 9. arranging appointments
  5. 12. time of completion
  6. 13. small red berry
  7. 14. famous French cheese
  8. 16. a time in one’s childhood
  9. 17. agricultural space
  10. 19. baking box
  1. 1. extremely light metal
  2. 2. what men misunderstand and fear
  3. 4. to discover differences in similar things
  4. 5. smaller than a town
  5. 8. long needle to hold meat
  6. 9. a choice of something
  7. 10. white crystal spice
  8. 11. applied on face and body
  9. 15. collecting ripe food for further use or eating
  10. 18. unit of temperature