Chapter 5 Review

  1. 3. personnel monitoring device, always worn at waist level when exposing
  2. 4. Occupationally exposed workers must not exceed an accumulated lifetime radiation dose
  3. 6. Flexible shield placed over patient’s chest and lap which protects reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation; intra and extraoral
  4. 8. lead shield that protects thyroid gland from scatter rad; only for intraoral
  5. 10. how many inches the beam that produced by the circular collimation
  6. 12. The act regulates the use of x-ray machines, training necessary for individuals working with the machine and safety information
  7. 14. filters out long wavelengths with low-energy and soft radiation
  8. 16. Restricts the size and shape of x-ray beam thus reducing patient exposure
  9. 17. minimum age to work with radiation
  10. 18. unit of ionizing radiation dosage
  11. 21. Takes place when the primary beam passes through the glass window, oil bath and tube head seal of the x-ray unit
  12. 22. unit of radiation dosage
  1. 1. what does ALARA stand for
  2. 2. Radiation that emits from the tube head excluding primary beam (faulty tube head seal) – beam leaking to the sides
  3. 5. shape of PID recommended since less divergence of x-ray beam thus most effective in reducing client exposure
  4. 7. Maximum dose equivalent that a body is permitted to receive in a specific period of time
  5. 9. provides an additional 20% reduction in exposure over e-speed films; Proper mA, kvP settings and exposure times limit the amount of x-radiation exposure received by a client
  6. 11. a radiographer is supposed to stand at least ______ away at 90-135 degree angle to xray beam
  7. 13. Pertains to radiation protection in dentistry; Ensuring that all equipment functions properly, is operated properly and is maintained by competent personnel only
  8. 15. lead aprons should _____ be folded
  9. 19. Probability for harmful biological effects increases w the increased radiation dose, no matter how small
  10. 20. recommended dose for people who work with radiation