Tino Taufalele's Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. theory, nature of communication
  2. 3. conflict, arises from a focus on the underlying needs of each of the parties rather than on their surface demands.
  3. 4. of theory, provides the rich tools for analyzing conflict
  4. 7. theory, an internal struggle between the id and the superego
  5. 8. crude law, laws that suggest your behaviors will lead others to behave in similar ways.
  6. 13. conflict, when two individuals have two different goals and are in fact interfering with each other's goal achievement - but don't yet perceive it
  7. 14. goals, goals that relate to who the parties are to each other
  8. 15. climates, individuals feel threatened and react to others negatively
  9. 20. conflict, goal interference based on miscommunication or inaccurate perceptions of another person's intentions
  10. 21. learning theory, posits that attitude and behaviors are developed by observing others
  11. 23. a finite amount of something
  12. 27. theories, focus attention on the communication and interactions among people vs individual
  13. 31. communicating about communication
  14. 33. theory, includes all of our relationships and interactions
  15. 34. resource, is anything someone perceives to be in limited supply
  16. 35. goals, goals that relate to one's sense of self-worth, pride, self-respect, or power
  17. 37. is a relatively stable set of perceptions about oneself
  18. 38. defending one's positions and attacking the other party's positions.
  19. 39. aggression, attacks others and their positions
  1. 2. situation, open to interest-based creativity but containing some goals that genuinely are in opposition
  2. 5. is how we weave together knowledge, feeling, intuitions, and backgrounds to make sense of the world
  3. 6. climates, individuals feel safer and are more likely to engage in productive problem solving and conflict management
  4. 9. goals, include tangible resources or any measurable factor around which desired outcomes can be built
  5. 10. exchange theory, proposes that people evaluate the costs and rewards of a relationship by the amount of effort required to attain rewards and avoid costs
  6. 11. are needs
  7. 12. theory, explains how people attempt to make sense of the world around them
  8. 16. theory, theory proposed by Lewin and others in the pre-World War II era of 1920 to 1940.
  9. 17. theory, built on a metaphor of an economic marketplace
  10. 18. gains, encompass the concept that the goals of all parties in a conflict might be met if creative strategies are applied to the problem.
  11. 19. is the event that precipitates a conflict
  12. 20. goals, goals that relate to how things should be done
  13. 22. are what the conversation was about rather than the identification of what gave rise to the conflict-its cause
  14. 24. climate, are associated with cooperative and competitive tactics
  15. 25. conflict, a struggle arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  16. 26. point, a moment when how one responds can change the entire direction of a relationship.
  17. 28. theory, a mathematical way to calculate projected gains and losses while playing games
  18. 29. communication, needing others to obtain a common goal
  19. 30. six views, an analysis that proposed that every conversation between two people really involves six views
  20. 32. management, includes any communication intended to move two people's view of a situation closer together
  21. 36. a desired condition