
  1. 4. film industry
  2. 6. first humans in America
  3. 9. short form world war 2
  4. 10. 2nd most polluting country
  5. 12. president, who bought huge parts of North America
  6. 13. 2nd most visited national park
  7. 14. native tribe
  8. 16. major income of native tribes
  9. 18. state with the most national parks
  10. 19. forced relocations of native American tribes in 1830-1850
  11. 20. most spoken language of American tribes
  1. 1. country with the size of the grand canyon
  2. 2. most popular explorer of America
  3. 3. protester against the unfair treatments of African-Americans
  4. 5. first national park in the USA
  5. 7. first Europeans in America
  6. 8. short form national park service
  7. 11. desert tribe
  8. 15. first African-American president
  9. 17. location of the first fight of the civil war