Natural and man-made disasters

  1. 3. a storm in which a lot of small balls of ice fall like rain
  2. 4. a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die
  3. 7. the bright flashes of light that you see in the sky during a storm
  4. 8. a fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly
  5. 11. an exceptionally large ocean wave, especially one caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption (5,4)
  6. 14. a heavy fall of earth and rocks down the side of a mountain or steep slope
  7. 15. a tropical storm with strong winds that move in circles
  8. 16. a circular hole in the ground, formed when a rock such as limestone is gradually damaged by water and begins to disappear
  9. 17. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before
  10. 18. when hot materials are thrown out of a volcano (8,8)
  11. 20. a very large wave or series of waves caused when something such as an earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea
  12. 22. a fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or rural area (6,4)
  13. 23. a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds
  1. 1. a sudden shaking movement of the ground
  2. 2. another word for forest fire
  3. 5. a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain
  4. 6. is the release of liquid petroleum into the environment, especially the marine ecosystem (3,4)
  5. 9. a severe storm in which the wind spins in a circle
  6. 10. rock in the form of hot liquid
  7. 12. an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and a loud noise, often causing damage
  8. 13. a period of heavy rain in India and Southeast Asia
  9. 19. a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain
  10. 21. a strong wind in the desert that blows clouds of sand in the air