
  1. 6. has wings and does not fly and serves as food such as meat and eggs for humans.
  2. 7. alarm clock in the field.
  3. 8. is only found in Australia and has a bag in its stomach that contains mammary glands, it is known for that it moves by jumping.
  4. 10. has yellow and black stripes on its body and a stinger in its tail, a great producer of sweet.
  5. 11. animal that facilitates the transport of heavy loads to its owner.
  6. 14. animal that comes out at night and is located by means of sound waves.
  7. 15. lives in the sea changes color to camouflage itself.
  8. 17. has a shell on its body and to protect itself.
  9. 20. animal characterized by being the same relative of humans.
  1. 1. bird imitating human sounds.
  2. 2. looks like a large pig, it is deadly and unpredictable.
  3. 3. eats the leftovers of humans, it is used to make popular food in Colombian festivities.
  4. 4. largest mammal in the ocean.
  5. 5. elongated animal containing venom in its fangs.
  6. 9. has pincers and always walks forward.
  7. 10. insect roe that makes large balls of excrement to impress the female, also feeds on them.
  8. 12. first pet that I help in the hunt.
  9. 13. pet purring.
  10. 16. that serve as transportation in the desert.
  11. 18. feeds on other animals to survive they call him king of the jungle.
  12. 19. flightless bird that inhabits cold places.