
  1. 1. It's your _____!
  2. 3. Make a wish!
  3. 4. Sandy is _____ than you
  4. 6. _____-19
  5. 9. Malfoy's Common Room
  6. 10. The value of the word "Grandma" in Scrabble
  7. 11. Your favorite channel
  8. 12. Location of the green mermaid
  9. 15. _____ Streudel
  1. 1. Common birthday decorations
  2. 2. Stuck at home
  3. 5. Yummy _____ squares
  4. 7. Your favorite grandson
  5. 8. Your address
  6. 13. Must stay _____ apart
  7. 14. Comes in a red wrapper