2020.7 Retro Ice Breaker

  1. 1. Your team name
  2. 5. ....... is the ability to work together toward a common vision
  3. 7. 15-minute timeboxed event
  4. 10. I represent the V of MVC
  5. 11. one of 5 scrum values in your Dashboard
  6. 13. You can't hack what you can't see
  1. 1. A timeboxed task to go research a specific item with the deliverable being the results of the research.
  2. 2. I fail first, later pass
  3. 3. A relative number describing how much work the team can get done over a period of time
  4. 4. An agile framework
  5. 5. superset of java script
  6. 6. I go between two objects
  7. 8. replaced a deprecated node module recently
  8. 9. securing your tomorrow
  9. 12. I'm center of your project