Natural Hazards

  1. 1. When a center of low pressure develops within an area of high pressure
  2. 4. A long period without any rain
  3. 6. hazards that are caused by the Earth's moving crust are called...?
  4. 7. This mountain spews lava when it erupts
  5. 8. How often a hazard occurs within a year?
  6. 9. rock fragments and particles ejected by a volcanic eruption.
  7. 11. immediate action taken after the event
  8. 12. Caused when a mass of snow that slides rapidly down an inclined slope
  9. 13. When lots of pressure is released under the earth's surface
  1. 2. Does a disaster have a pattern?
  2. 3. How strong a hazard is?
  3. 5. hazards that occur during a certain weather condition are called...?
  4. 6. When an earthquake occurs underneath a water body
  5. 10. to be ready for a natural disaster