
  1. 2. strong emotion of caring
  2. 6. people united in achieving the same result
  3. 8. moving in water
  4. 9. describing a very old object
  5. 11. the view of formed land
  6. 13. part of a car wheel (UK spelling)
  7. 14. when you present and give food to others
  8. 15. a tomato named after a fruit
  9. 17. Portuguese wine and town
  10. 18. American baked good
  11. 19. the mixture of several items
  12. 20. to reduce the temperature of something
  1. 1. direction on a compass
  2. 3. two wheeled vehicle
  3. 4. large deep spoon for putting liquid in a container
  4. 5. bbq cooking
  5. 7. a long walk in nature
  6. 10. a word expressing regret
  7. 12. when something is extremely good
  8. 16. animal which is man’s best friend