DREAM Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. Word meaning "breathing" in Sanskrit
  2. 6. The process plants use to turn sunlight into energy
  3. 8. _________is made when food decomposes, or breaks down into organic matter
  4. 10. A type of composting that uses worms to decompose organic matter
  5. 14. The act of being thankful.
  6. 15. A type of composting that uses air to quickly decompose, or break down, the materials
  1. 1. Word meaning "pose" in Sanskrit
  2. 2. ________is finding a new, better way to use something that would otherwise become trash
  3. 3. Word meaning "union" in Sanskrit
  4. 4. You!
  5. 7. Ancient Indian language
  6. 9. ________is the opposite of aerobic composting
  7. 11. Positive self-talk
  8. 12. The process of a seed growing into a plant
  9. 13. The process that creates compost