- 2. Abbreviation for mathematics
- 5. My last name
- 8. Mr. Gettings' hometown
- 10. Mr. and Dr. Gettings' favorite home hobby
- 12. To try
- 14. Favorite NCAA conference
- 16. Favorite color
- 17. Mr. Gettings' favorite sport
- 19. Your fate in my class if you put in the effort
- 20. Adjective for math for those who fear it
- 21. Expansion of math
- 23. Son's name
- 24. Number of siblings in Mr. Gettings' family
- 25. What you ask for when you don't understand
- 1. "Cardinal ___"
- 3. College alma mater
- 4. Favorite video game
- 6. Mr. Gettings' family title
- 7. H.S. alma mater
- 9. Adjective for math for those who succeed in it
- 11. e.g. -1,0, 1/3...
- 13. Homework will be turned in "on __"
- 15. the sound you make when you solve a tough problem
- 16. Instrument I play
- 18. Mode of transportation
- 22. Mr. Gettings' favorite morning beverage