Biology MA Activity

  1. 3. ____ is the disease that results in hyperthyroidism/enlargement of thyroid gland
  2. 4. stimulates the secretion of growth hormones from the pitutary glands when its levels are low
  3. 7. Hormone secreting system that releases hormones directly into the blood stream
  4. 10. a ____ has deficiency in the secretion of growth hormones
  5. 14. condition induced by a shortage of insulin
  6. 15. alpha cells secrete this to increase glucose levels in the body
  7. 16. endocrine parts of the pancreas are called the Islets of _____
  8. 17. the part of the adrenal gland located at its periphery
  9. 18. change in physical characteristics of children once they reach adulthood
  10. 19. regulates carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism
  1. 1. estrogen stimulates the development of ___ glands in females
  2. 2. the master gland
  3. 5. when adrenaline is secreted ___ begin to dilate
  4. 6. synonym for epinephrin. fight or flight
  5. 8. interstitial cells of the testes
  6. 9. steroid hormones produced in the testes
  7. 11. a ____ mechanism regulates the timing and secretion of hormones to produce optimal performance.
  8. 12. maintain salt and water balance in the human body
  9. 13. hormone secreted by ovary that supports pregnancy