  1. 2. an organic colourless liquid with molecular mass 57.05 gram/mol which is used in the production of rubbers and adhesives.
  2. 5. Which chemical industry disaster highlighted the problem of urbanization in India.
  3. 8. The 1st killer of the largest uncontrolled radioactive release in history.
  4. 10. an acne-like eruption of blackheads, cysts, and pustules associated with exposure to certain halogenated aromatic compounds, such as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans
  5. 11. No. 5 reactor problem
  6. 12. The company responsible for the disaster associated with the picture (2,4,5-Trichlorophenol).
  7. 13. An accident resulted from a release of extremely flammable process gases that occurred during regular maintenance operations on one of the plant's polyethylene reactors.
  8. 14. Major health hazard from Chernobyl disaster
  9. 17. Red Rhine River
  10. 18. The Grandcamp
  11. 19. An industrial accident resulted in the highest known exposure to TCDD in residential populations.
  1. 1. Red Forest.
  2. 3. 1st medicine prescribed to the victims of Chernobyl Disaster
  3. 4. A recent tragedy in Lebanon
  4. 6. Most credible explanation of the largest peacetime explosion ever to occur in the UK
  5. 7. A recent tragedy occured in India due to the leakage of a monomer that is used in making plastics, adhesives, etc.
  6. 9. Chemical industry disaster which was a result of the inaccuracy of the 'less than 60% = SAFE' criterion
  7. 15. A white crystalline solid cholinesterase inhibitor associated with one of the chemical industries' greatest tragedy
  8. 16. The agency responsible for investigating industrial chemical accidents of (a country with no official language)