
  1. 1. All men including african americans could vote in the U.S
  2. 3. They couldnt afford to hire workers so they had too sell their properties to cover debts.
  3. 5. men including African Americans could vote in the U.S
  4. 6. seris of laws pass by British parliament
  5. 7. American were invigorated by the easy defeat of british hessian forces.
  6. 10. escaped by being attacked
  7. 13. assassinated president Abraham lincoln at fords theatre.
  8. 18. a crop produced to sell for profit.
  9. 20. a direct act on the british colonies in america.
  10. 25. strong national goverment with three branches:legislative,executive and judicial
  11. 26. he unsuccessfully sued for his freedom
  12. 27. last major battle of the american revolution.
  13. 28. he was an escaped slave that helped end slavery
  14. 29. lands in severally to indians
  15. 30. this angered the colonist
  16. 31. it was designed to protect the basic rights of the U.S citizens
  1. 2. belief in benefits of profitable trading
  2. 4. movement to end slavery .
  3. 8. the wars expenses led to colonial discontent.
  4. 9. American colonist angry at britain for imposing taxation.
  5. 11. declared that all slaves should be free
  6. 12. Provided food shelter for African Americas
  7. 14. a revenue raising act passed by the parliament of great britain.
  8. 15. to all people born in the U.S including formal slaves
  9. 16. each state can have one vote to congress
  10. 17. Many found themseles homeless,jobless and hungry.
  11. 19. group or culture comes to resemble.
  12. 21. they couldnt find no jobs.
  13. 22. withdrawl of a group from a larger entity.
  14. 23. a large scale estate meant gor farming
  15. 24. a contract between two individuals.