
  1. 3. Voice of Tentomon
  2. 5. What TK sports in the movie poster
  3. 8. The movie's acronym--or an iconic sci-fi villain
  4. 12. Manifestation of the friendship between Gabumon's new evolution and its partner
  5. 13. The Kizuna special, With the Will podcast number ____
  6. 14. The movie's producer
  7. 15. Sora's new pasttime
  8. 19. Characters who were missed in Tri
  9. 20. Yolei's psychedelic fashion sense can be described as this
  10. 21. Partner to the Larva type Digimon
  11. 22. Holder of the Digi-Egg of Reliability
  1. 1. Last name shared by two Digidestined
  2. 2. Thankfully, Joe's hair is this color again
  3. 4. Tai and his partner have a firey bond of _____
  4. 6. Known for her iconic hat--or for being Best Girl
  5. 7. The piece of Digimon media we're hoping for next (ironically named, for something that may be dead...)
  6. 9. Piscine pal
  7. 10. Origin of the new human character's surname
  8. 11. Iconic image on Izzy's laptop
  9. 16. Agumon's favorite subject to talk about
  10. 17. A nickname for Tai and Davis
  11. 18. The movie's newest Rookie 'mon