
  1. 3. this contains the plant's male g
  2. 5. the female gametes in aflower is found inside the_______
  3. 6. what source of energy allows photosynthesis to happen
  4. 8. this is another function of water for the plant
  5. 12. what do the ovary changed to after fertilisation
  6. 14. what combines with carbon dioxide in chloroplasts to make glucose and oxygen
  7. 15. what do the ovule become at the end after fertilisation
  8. 16. what mineral does plants require to make proteins and chlorophyll
  9. 19. fruits that is shaped like a parachute requires _______ to be dispersed
  10. 20. what do fertilisers contain
  11. 21. stapelia has a smell of rotting ______
  12. 24. cells that does photosynthesis and make the plant look green
  1. 1. the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma is called ____________
  2. 2. flowers are the ___________ organ of a plant
  3. 4. long tubes in plants which transports water from the roots up to the leaves
  4. 7. sugar belongs to a group of chemicals called ______________
  5. 9. what is involved in sexual reproduction
  6. 10. this mineral is also required for plants to make chlorophyll
  7. 11. what sweet and sugary part of flower bees feed on
  8. 12. when the necleus of a male gametes join with a female gamete
  9. 13. for a plant to grow well, they need to be _________ from the parent plant
  10. 17. in what form is glucose stored in plants
  11. 18. plants are brightly colored to attract_____
  12. 22. what is produced at the anthers
  13. 23. water helps plants stand _________