- 3. nouns that are in general form
- 5. are words that name persons, places, ideas, things or animals
- 6. it determines the degree or intensity of an action
- 10. qualify or modify an adjective, verb or another adverb
- 11. this tells where an action took place
- 13. it tells about the time something occurs
- 15. nouns that can be recognized by the senses
- 1. this explains how an action happens, commonly, it is placed after the main verb or after the object
- 2. nouns that refer to groups which can be either singular or plural
- 4. nouns that are non-countable
- 7. are auxiliary words that express the following: possibility, probability, instructions and requests, suggestions, offers, necessity, uncertainty, permission, obligation or ability
- 8. nouns that are specific and it is written in capital letters
- 9. nouns that represent intangible ideas, quality or characteristics
- 12. nouns that are countable
- 14. it describes how often or how frequent something happens