Government Acronym Challenge

  1. 4. Accounts for around 1/4 of federal spending
  2. 5. Best known for providing relatively cheap electricity to poor, rural areas in the South
  3. 7. Protects the deposits people put in the banks
  4. 9. Regulates communication through radio, TV, satellite, able, and the internet
  5. 11. Created by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935
  6. 12. Formed as a result f the attorney generals workload growing too large
  7. 14. An investment corporation overseen by HUD
  8. 16. Created to oversee the country's first industry
  9. 17. Has the Pentagon as its headquarters
  10. 19. The State Department oversees security agreements the country has with other countries including the ones in this
  11. 20. A Private package delivery company
  12. 22. Makes sure stock selling companies tell the truth abut their business
  13. 23. Provides assistance to those who have served in the military
  14. 24. The intelligence-gathering work of the government
  15. 26. Space program created in 1958
  16. 28. Investigate terrorist threats and foreign intrigue against the country
  17. 29. Potential homeowners can get cheaper mortgages through this as long as the house meets certain standards
  18. 31. Helps the federal government respond to natural disasters
  1. 1. Replaced the US Post Office in 1971
  2. 2. Tracks down criminals who operate worldwide
  3. 3. Similar to Fannie Mae and nicknamed Freddie Mac
  4. 6. Created so that people would have safe, affordable housing
  5. 8. First independent agency created by congress
  6. 9. Provides loans to farmers who want to expand or need a short term loan until their crops are sold
  7. 10. Issues public health warnings about dangers to nations health
  8. 11. Issues weather forecasts
  9. 13. Highest ranking members of the US military
  10. 14. Formed to make sure federal offices and personal stay within the spending budget
  11. 15. Establishes rules for air traffic
  12. 17. Formed 10 years after the interstate highway system
  13. 18. Created as a result of 9/11
  14. 19. Provides grants for artistic endeavors
  15. 20. US military forces that oversee action in 6 geographic areas
  16. 21. Provides start-up loan for small businesses
  17. 25. Collects taxes in the US
  18. 26. Awards almost $50,000 in grants to more than 30,000 researchers
  19. 27. Wildlife preserve in Alaska
  20. 28. Nicknamed Fannie Mae
  21. 29. Certifies quality of foods and cosmetics
  22. 30. Replaced Federal Security Agency in 1953