  1. 1. A 3d model of something
  2. 3. A shape with all it's sides parallel
  3. 5. The funny dot in between some numbers
  4. 8. The unit out of 100
  5. 9. A closed shape
  6. 14. A device that you use to compare to words together using like or as
  7. 15. Words that add to verbs
  8. 17. A ruler like tool that you use in math
  9. 18. Another word for history or tradition
  10. 19. The point of curve on a angle
  1. 2. What we have been doing for 50% of the year
  2. 4. Almost sounds like bicycle
  3. 6. A device that you use to compare two words using is
  4. 7. The culprit that runed 2020
  5. 10. A weird substance that can be hard and liquid
  6. 11. Every curve is also known as .....
  7. 12. Every natural thing around you
  8. 13. A four sided shape
  9. 15. A word that has been written downwards and has a meaning for each word
  10. 16. People that have managed to live for 20,000 years here in South Africa