
  1. 3. Branch of medicine focused on mental health
  2. 4. Manual used by physician to work up mental disorders (acronym)
  3. 7. World Diabetes Day is commemorated by the finding day of
  4. 8. Deficiencies or excesses of energy intake, causing impairment of growth and development
  5. 10. Ingredient(s) added to hand hygiene products to moisturize the skin
  6. 11. Joint initiative of WHO and Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) that aims to accelerate development of new antibiotic drugs (acronym)
  7. 12. Number of hand hygiene moments according to WHO
  8. 13. Non-pharmacological approach, recommended for diabetes patients to lower glycaemic status and improve outcome
  1. 1. Complication of diabetes that could worsen sight
  2. 2. Drug prescribed to patient with depression which works by inhibiting reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in presynaptic terminals
  3. 3. Organ that related the most to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus
  4. 5. Greek alphabet used as figure of psychology
  5. 6. International organization related the most to food stability worldwide (acronym)
  6. 9. Microorganisms residing under the superficial cells of stratum corneum and also on the surface of the skin
  7. 10. One of the largest concern of World Food Day that cause morbidities and mortality