27.11 Lexical work

  1. 5. continuing for a very long time
  2. 10. having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work
  3. 12. thinking a lot about something, especially because you are worried or sad
  4. 13. deliberately not becoming involved in something
  5. 16. formal calmness in the way that you react to things, which means that you do not become upset or annoyed
  6. 17. consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand
  7. 18. having social problems, such as a lack of money or education, which make it difficult for you to succeed
  8. 21. to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep etc
  9. 23. a group of people who have the same position in society
  10. 24. imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way
  11. 25. unfriendly
  1. 1. giving someone or something a lot of love and attention
  2. 2. literary to do something to hurt or punish someone because they have harmed or offended you
  3. 3. very difficult and tiring
  4. 4. worried about something
  5. 6. someone who is irreverent does not show respect for organizations, customs, beliefs etc that most other people respect – often used to show approval
  6. 7. to correct something that is wrong or unfair
  7. 8. the money that is obtained from doing something or selling something
  8. 9. to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it
  9. 10. to develop and change gradually over a long period of time
  10. 11. someone who has no home and travels from place to place
  11. 14. unable to see
  12. 15. tending to do things very quickly, without thinking carefully first, or showing this quality
  13. 19. something that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can be understood in more than one way
  14. 20. one of several parts of someone’s character, a situation etc
  15. 22. a feeling that you cannot trust someone → mistrust